Induced Earthquake Bibliography

Oil and Gas Production Induced Earthquake References

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  1. John G. Armbruster, Donald W. Steeples & Leonard Seeber, "The 1989 Earthquake Sequence near Palco, Kansas; A Possible Example of Induced Seismicity," [abstract] 60 Seismol. Res. Letters 141 (1989).

  2. P. Y. Bard, J.R. Grasso, D. Fourmaintraux & M. Koller, "A Methodology for Induced Seismic Risk Evaluation around Hydrocarbon Recovery Sites: Validation on the Lacq Gas Field, France," [abstract] Abstracts XXI General Assembly Int'l Union Geodesy & Geophys. A364 (1995)

  3. Firyal Bou-Rabee & Amos Nur, "The 1993 M4.7 Kuwait Earthqake: Induced by the Burning of the Oilfields," 29 Kuwait J. of Science Eng. (2002)

  4. M. S. Bruno & C. A. Bovberg, "Reservoir Compaction and Surface Subsidence above the Lost Hills Field, California," Rock Mechanics 263 (1992).

  5. J. R. Century, "Oil and Natural Gas Induced Seismicity," Annual Meeting Abstracts, Amer. Assoc. Pet. Geologists 15 (1995)

  6. Qiang Chen & Amos Nur, "Pore Fluid Pressure Effects in Anisotropic Rocks: Mechanisms of Induced Seismicity and Weak Faults," 139 Pure and Applied Geophys. 463 (1992)

  7. Scott D. Davis, Paul A. Nyffenegger, and Cliff Frohlich, "The April 9, 1993 Earthquake in South-Central Texas: Was it Induced by Oil and Gas Production?" 85 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 1888 (1995)

  8. Scott D. Davis, Paul Nyffenegger & Cliff Frohlich," The April 9, 1993 Earthquake and Other Recent Tremors in South Central Texas: Induced by Oil and Gas Production?" [Abstract], EOS, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union Abstracts 472 (1994).

  9. Diane I. Doser, M.R. Baker & D. B. Mason, Seismicity in the War-Wink Gas Field, West Texas, and its Relationship to Petroleum Production, 81 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 971 (1991).

  10. Diane I. Doser, M. R. Baker, M. Luo, P. Marroquin, L. Ballesteros, J. Kingwell, H. L. Diaz & G. Kaip, The Not So Simple Relationship Between Seismicity and Oil Production in the Permian Bais, West Texas, 139 Pure & Applied Geophysics 481 (1992)

  11. Earthquake Research Supervisory Committee, Summary of the Final Report on the Multidisciplinary study of the Relationship between Gas Production and Earthquakes in the Northern Part of the Netherlands, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (1991)

  12. Torild van Eck, Femke Goutbeek, Hein Haak and Bernard Dost, "Seismic Hazard Due to Small-magnitude, Shallow-source, Induced Earthquakes in The Netherlands," 87 Engineering Geology 105 (2006)

  13. D. Fabre,J.R. Grasso & Y. Orengo, Mechanical Behavior of Deep Rock Coree Sample from a Seismically active Gas Field, 137 Pure & Applied Geophys. 201 (1992).

  14. Bruno Feigner & Jean-Robert Grasso, Seismicity Induced by Gas Production I: Correlation of Focal Mechanisms & Dome Structure, 134 Pure and Applied Geophys. 405 (1990)

  15. Jean-Robert Grasso, Mechanics of Seismic Instabilities Induced by the Recovery of Hydrocarbons, 139 Pure & Applied Geophysics 507 (1992)

  16. Jean-Robert Grasso, Hydrocarbon Extraction and Seismic Hazard Assessment, [abstract], EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union Abstracts 1454 (1990?)

  17. J.R. Grasso & B. Feigner, Geomechanical Behavior and Structural Evolution Induced by a Depletion--a Case Study of a Gas Field, Rockbursts and Seismicity in Mines, 5 (1990)

  18. Jean-Robert Grasso & Bruno Feigner, Seismicity Induced by Gas Production II: Lithology Correlated Events, Induced Stresses & Deformation, 134 Pure & Applied Geophys. 427 (1990)

  19. Jean-Robert Grasso, "Testing Self-organized Criticality by Induced Seismicity," 103 Journal of Geophysical Research 29,965 (1998)

  20. J. R. Grasso, L.M. Plotnikova, B. Nutaev & R. Bossu, The Three M-7 Gazli Earthquakes, Usbekistan, Central Asia: The Largest Seismic Energy Releases by Human Activity, [Abstract] Abstracts XXI Gen Ass. Int. Union Geodesy & Geophys. A363 (1995)

  21. J.R. Grasso, P. Volunt, D. Fourmaintraux, Scaling of Seismic Response to Hydrocarbon Production: A Toll to Estimate Both Seismic Hazard and Reservoir Behavior Over Time, Eurock '94 Conf, Delft (1994).

  22. J. R. Grasso & G. Wittlinger, 10 Years of Seismic Monitoring over a Gas Field, 80 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 450 (1990)

  23. F. Guyoton, J.R. Grasso, P. Volant, Interrelation between Induced Seismic Instabilities and Complex Geological Structure, 19 Geophysical Res. Lett. 705 (1992).

  24. J. M. Hamilton, A.V. Miller & M.D. Prins, Subsidence-induced Shear Failures above Oil and Gas Reservoirs, Rock Mechanics 273 (1992).

  25. Robert B. Horner, The Fort St. John, B.C. Earthquakes, (A Preliminary Report for the B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources) Geological Survey of Canada (1993)

  26. Robert B. Horner, J.E. Barclay, J. M. MacRae, R.J. Wetmiller & I. Asudeh, Earthquakes at the Eagle Oil Field near Fort St. John, British Columbia, Abstracts XXI General Assembly Int'l Union Geodesy & Geophys. A363 (1995)

  27. Robert B. Horner, J.E. Barclay, J. M. MacRae, Earthquakes and Hydrocarbon Production in the Fort St. John Area of Northeastern British Columbia, Canadian 30 Jour. Explor. Geophysics 39 (1994)

  28. Robert B. Horner, J.E. Barclay, J. M. MacRae R. J. Wetmiller & I. Asudeh, Earthquakes and Hydrocarbon Production in the Fort St. John Area of Northeastern British Columbia, [abstract] EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, Abstracts 472 (1994).

  29. G.R. Keller, A.M. Rogers & C.D. Orr, Seismic Activity in the Permian Basin Area of West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico, 1975-79, 58 Seismol. Res. Lett. 63 (1987)

  30. R.L. Kovach, Source Mechanisms for Wilmington Oil Field, California, Subsidence Earthquakes, 64 Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 699 (1974).

  31. V. M. R. Maury, J. R. Grasso & G. Wittlinger, Monitoring of Subsidence and Induced Seismicity in the Lacq Gas Field (France): The Consequences on Gas Production and Field Operation, 32 Engineering Geology 123 (1992)

  32. Arthur McGarr, On A Possible Connection Between Three Major Earthquakes in Californian and Oil Production, 81 Bulle. of Seismol. Soc. of Am. 948 (1991)

  33. R.F. Mereu, J. Brunet, K. Morrissey, B. Price, A. Yapp, A study of the Microearthquakes of the Gobbles Oil Field Area of Southwestern Ontario, 76 Bulle. Seismol. Soc. Am 1215 (1986)

  34. Hirokazu Moriya, James T. Rutledge & Hiroaki Niitsuma, Evaluation of Subsurface Crack Structures and Stress Direction by Using Doublets in the Three- component Seismic Measurement [abstract], Abstracts XXI General Assembly Int'l Union Geodesy & Geophys. A363 (1995)

  35. Wayne D. Pennington, S.D. Davis, S.M. Carlson, J. Dupree & T.E. Ewing, The Evolution of Seismic Barriers and Asperities Caused by the Depressuring of Fault Planes in Oil & Gas Fields of South Texas, 78 Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 188 (1986).

  36. L. M. Plotnikova, M.G. Flyonova, V.I. Machmudova, Induced Seismicity in the Gazly Gas Field Region, 99 Gerlands Beitrage zur Geophysik 389 (1990)

  37. W. E. Pratt & D.W. Johnson, Local Subsidence of the Goose Creek Oil Field, 34 Geology 577 (1926)

  38. J. P. A. Roest & W. Kuilman, Geomechanical Analysis of Small Earthquakes at the Eleveld gas Reservoir, Eurock '94 A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam 573 (1994)

  39. J. T. Rutledge, W.S. Phillips, T.D. Fairbanks, D.W. Anderson, Microseismicity Associated with Primary Oil Production in Clinton County, Kentucky [abstract], Abstracts XXI General Assembly Int'l Union Geodesy & Geophys. A363 (1995)

  40. J. T. Rutledge, J.N. Albright, T.D. Fairbanks, M.B. Murphy & P.M. Roberts, Microseismic Monitoring of the Chaveroo Oil Field, New Mexico, SEG Expanded Abstracts 237 (1990)

  41. B. K. Schuessler, J.T. Rutledge & W.S. Phillips, Source Parameters of Induced Microearthquakes in a Shallow Oil Reservoir, Clinton County, Kentucky, 76 EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 354 (1995)

  42. Paul Segall, Induced Stresses due to Fluid Extraction from Axisymmetric Reservoirs, 139 Pure & Applied Geophysics 535 (1992)

  43. Paul Segall, Stress and Subsidence from Subsurface Fluid Withdrawal in the Epicentral Region of the 1983 Coalinga Earthquake, 90 J.Geophys. Res. 6801 (1985)

  44. Paul Segall, Earthquakes Triggered by Fluid Extraction, 17 Geology 942 (1989)

  45. Paul Segall, J.R. Grasso, A. Mossop, "Poroelastic Stressing and Induced Seismicity near the Lacq Gas Field, Southwestern France," 99 Jour. Geophys. Res. 15,423 (1994)

  46. Paul Segall & A. Mossop, Beyond Rangely: Poro- and Thermoelastically Induced Seismicity [abstract], Abstracts XXI General Assembly Int'l Union Geodesy & Geophys. A364 (1995)

  47. E.S. Shtengelov, Effect of Well Exploitation of the Upper Jurassic Aquifer on Seismicity of the Crimea, 7 Water Resources 132 (1980).

  48. David W. Simpson & William Leith, The 1976 and 1984 Gazli, USSR, Earthquakes--Were They Induced? 75 Bull. Seismological Soc. Am. 1465, 1985).

  49. Edmond Sze, M. Nafi Toksöz, and Daniel R. Burns "Characterization of Induced Seismicity in a Petroleum Reservoir: A Case Study," ERL Consortium Reports MIT (2005)

  50. P. Volant, J. R. Grasso, G. Menard, M. Frogneux & V. Maury, Seismic and Aseismic Deformation of a Folded Structure Triggered by Gas Extraction, EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union Abstracts 1454 (1990?)

  51. R. J. Wetmiller, Earthquakes near Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, and their Relationship to Gas Production Facilities, 23 Can. J. Earth Sci. 172 (1986)

  52. R. F. Yerkes & R.O. Castle, Seismicity & Faulting Attributable to Fluid Extraction, 10 Eng. Geol 151 (1976)

  53. Xiangfang Zenga, Haijiang Zhanga, Xin Zhanga, Hua Wanga, Yingsheng Zhang and Qiang Liu Surface Microseismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing of a Shale-Gas Reservoir Using Short-Period and Broadband Seismic Sensors," 85:3 Seismological Research Letters 668-677 (2014)

    Compiled by Darlene Cypser
    Last update: 5/18/2015